It was a very relaxing masaj with a reliev of pain on my back. I will definetly go again.
Schulter-, Rücken- & Nackenmassage
Eduard•vor mehr als 3 Jahren
Wanna ist sehr kompetent
Behandelt von Quanta•Schulter-, Rücken- & Nackenmassage
Anonym•vor mehr als 3 Jahren
Anonym•vor mehr als 3 Jahren
My massage with nant was excellent. She really took her time to feel out the problem areas - without me having to say much at all. The pressure was perfect and the atmosphere very nice. My only feedback is to check Covid certificates upon arrival, which would have made me feel a lot more comfortable. Since they didn’t check mine or even ask about health condition at the time of booking it seems a bit risky. Nant and staff were wearing a mask the entire time though.
Schulter-, Rücken- & Nackenmassage
Anonym•vor mehr als 3 Jahren
Einmal mehr wieder alles perfekt. Sehr zum Empfehlen. Geniale wohltuende Massage. Herzlich und professionell.