Beste Entscheidung ever! Ich empfehle jedem/jeder zu Kesha zu gehen! Love it! Ich bin seit mehreren Jahren Kundin und bin jedesmal begeistert.
Gestylt von Liliane Wildhaber•Damenhaarschnitt
Ariane•vor mehr als 4 Jahren
I travel from Aarau to come to Kesha Hair in Zürich. I have my hair dyed blond, and before my first visit to Kesha, at every other hairdresser my hair turns gold/yellow after 6 weeks. Since going to Kesha hair, I have never had any problems. The colour lasts so long. The salon is beautiful, the products are fantastic and all the ladies that work are incredibly knowledgeable, open, fun and beautiful souls. Kesha is the only salon I will have my hair done.