Get Nailed x KOOLELO Academy Bewertungen

Schaffhauserstrasse 30, 8006 Zürich, Kreis 6

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Geschrieben von unseren Kunden, damit du weißt, was dich in jedem Salon erwartet.
Just perfect!
Great service! Thank you!
Hi Kali, I hope you're doing well. I went for the full manicure plus gel treatment this past weekend and was a little underwhelmed. Normally, I just go for the gel treatment but thought I would see whether the chf90 manicure + shellac would be better. Unfortunately, I was not very impressed with the manicure and didn't think it warranted the additional chf30. Other than the water bath and slight exfoliation, the cuticle work was so minimal (at least the same as the shellac only treatment) and although I am a huge fan of Andrea, I don't think the treatment marks what you represent at Get Nailed! Hope you appreciate the constructive feedback. See you soon, Rena Wilson
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