Get Nailed! - Central Bewertungen

Im Central Plaza Hotel , Central 1, 8001 Zürich, Kreis 1

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I asked for an ombre Gel, the gel nail extension is uneven, the coloring was made through shellac and not gel. The tips of my nails does not have a ful white tip, it looks chipped. The nails were full of nail dust and I asked to fix it, however i was told this is "normal" she even put the top coat on and finally was all bumpy and I asked once again that the nail was not nice and very bumpy because of the dust that was stuck inbetween layers of shellac. Nothing was done, just a quick fix for 120!
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A bit slow compared to the usual time. New gel nails with colour at the Seefeldstrasse saloon is usually 1:30. This was 2:30 which I thought was very long.
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Olta ist top ! Mega freundlich, kompetent und sehr nett! Die beste Maniküre bis jetzt! Preisleistung - top ! Sehr zu empfehlen! 🎈🍀🙏🏼
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Ich hatte einen Shellac-Manicure bei Madalina. Sie war super angenehm, sehr präzise in ihrer Arbeit und man fühlte sich sofort wohl. Ich bin mit dem Ergebnis sehr zufrieden und werde bald wiederkommen! Great Job!!!
Great experience, can only highly recommend this place! The staff was absolutely lovely and Olta did a fantastic job - grazie mille ancora!