BLOOM Haaratelier Bewertungen

Neumühlequai 36, 8006 Zürich

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Alles tip top wie immer sehr zufrieden!
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Abigél ist meine lieblingscoiffeuse. Für sie reise ich extra von Luzern an. Ich liebe es, wie sie die Haare föhnt. Ich empfehle Sie sehr!
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I have blonde hair and have always found it difficult to find someone who understands the complexities of colouring blonde fine hair like mine (its prone to yellow tones and breakage). I have found that person, Abigel was professional, friendly and achieved the most fantastic colour that I have had in years (without compromising on condition). I had a full head of highlights and a cut (also excellent), and my hair looks and feels amazing.
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You are really in good hands with Abigel. She takes time to understand what you want and gives you advice on what works best for you. She’s also helping me in my hair recovery journey and her highlights technique is impressive, gives a very natural look.
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This is the only salon that I trust to properly deal with my hair. Their extensive knowledge and skills are truly unmatched have been to so many stylists that I was a little leery about trying someone new. However, upon a referral, I went to Abigel and was NOT disappointed. To have someone actually listen to what I wanted in a cut and color was refreshing! Abigel was very honest with how she thought about my cut and color choices and I am now one very happy client and have been for a while now!
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