Zurich Thai Massage Recensioni

Riedtlistrasse 4,, 8006 Kreis 6

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Le recensioni vengono scritte dai clienti dopo la loro visita.

2294 recensioni

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Tutte le recensioni sono feedback autentici da clienti verificati, così sai esattamente cosa aspettarti da ogni salone.

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I had the massage before with May and Aum and it was really great. I unfortunately didn’t feel the same way here. It wasn’t as intense and it didn’t really relieve my pain.
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Bei Aum war es so super wie bei Jacky. Ich komme wieder!
Absolut tolle kompetente Massage. Hat einiges gelöst, hab mich danach wie in Watte gebettet gefühlt.
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Weil ein Tram ausfiel, kam ich 5 min zu spät zum Salon. Jacky arbeitete am Schluss 5 min länger, was ich sehr nett fand.