Yenii was super friendly and the appointment was a really nice enjoyable experience. The manicure was good, she was thorough, all instruments were very clean and the salon is really nice. Will definitely come again!
Christina•più di un anno fa
Ich weiss immer das ich bei den Nailsister die richtige Wahl getroffen hab da sie einem jeden Wunsch in erfüllung bringen. Bin auch diesesmal wieder verliebt in mein neues Set.😍💖
Altre Ricostruzioni e Coperture Unghie
Nergis•più di un anno fa
Sehr Symphatisch und effizent. Komme immer gerne wieder :)
Ritocco unghie
Jessica•più di un anno fa
Super service! Beide machen eine grossartige Leistung im Herzen von service! Kann ich jedem weiterempfehlen