The Nail Shop Recensioni

Zurich HB, Shop Ville, (neben Grosse Interdiscount ), Museumstrasse 1, 8001 Zurich, Kreis 1

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1366 recensioni

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Scritte dai nostri utenti, così puoi leggere un'opinione reale sul salone.
I specifically said I wanted my nails a LITTLE bit shorter not shorter! I have some events this week & wanted my nails longer. Then he made them even shorter. And the lengths are not all nicely the same. He seemed to be in a rush. Fast is fine but quality is still important. Wasn't happy. I come there often from Zug so expect better & consistent service.
Unkomplizierte Behandlung, professionell, sicher, freundlich.
War das erste Mal bei Kenji da Son nicht mehr hier arbeitet. Bin zufrieden mit der Arbeit
War sehr gut
War gut