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Tinta ciglia e sopracciglia
Anonimo•più di 6 anni fa
I am Brazilian and over 15 years I am used to wax. This lady that did the “service” (Anita) has no experience, she left a bruiser in my bikini area and she could not wax all, she hurt me a lot then I asked her to call Lynn to do my underarms. I payed for a service that I didn’t have. She left my leg with hair. It was my third and last experience at this saloon because I believe that the costumer needs to receive quality service and there we don’t get it.
Anonimo•più di 6 anni fa
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Die Masseurin ist sehr gut auf die Verspannungspunkte eingegangen und hat sich Mühe gegeben diese zulösen. Insegsamt war es sehr entspannend, würde es weiter empfehlen.