Great clinic and facility, excellencet environment. Scarlett was very nice. Unfortunately my skin didn’t react well and I was extremely red and swollen for 4-5 days after, but perhaps that’s just my skin and it’s always a risk trying a new treatment.
Trattamento effettuato da Scarlett•Hydrating Facial
Matt•10 mesi fa
Alles war super!
Trattamento effettuato da Scarlett•Hydrating Facial
Olga•11 mesi fa
schone erfahrung.
Trattamento effettuato da Scarlett•Hydrating Facial
lola•11 mesi fa
Sehr gut
Hydrating Facial
Andreas•11 mesi fa
Bereits nach 4 Behandlungen deutlich weniger Haarausfall! Die liebe Scarlett hat mir auch sehr hilfreiche Empfehlungen gegeben für meine Haare. Sehr empfehlenswerter Salon!