Great service. Absolutely happy with the treatment. The dermatologist was very competent, advised several ways to take care of the skin with very specific advises. I am a regular visitor of facial treatments in Zurich, so have quite a few places for comparison and I truly liked my visit to swissglow. yes, will definitely recommend
Trattamento effettuato da Scarlett•Trattamenti viso
Yulia•circa 6 anni fa
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Sehr gut, auch beim bereits 2. Besuch
Trattamento effettuato da Scarlett•Permanente ciglia
Caroline Weibel•circa 6 anni fa
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I’m very happy with the results - would highly recommend!
Trattamento effettuato da Scarlett•
Tinta ciglia e sopraccigliaMostra tutto…
SJ•circa 6 anni fa
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Sehr angenehme Atmosphäre bei Scarlett, die Behandlung gibt einen super Glow! War sicher nicht meine letzte, danke liebe Scarlett!
Trattamento effettuato da Scarlett•Peeling viso
Bianca•circa 6 anni fa
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Habe zum esten Mal ein Wimpern-Lifting gemacht und bin absolut begeistert! Auch die Behandlung war mega angenehm und ganz auf meine Bedürfnisse angepasst.