Mario is really attentive, I couldn't visit his saloon because of renovation, but this one was also a nice one. I'm satisfied with the results so the service all together!
Eseguito Mario Moloca•Taglio uomo
Dániel•7 mesi fa
Very talented hairdresser, good guy as well
Eseguito Mario Moloca•Taglio uomo
Berat•7 mesi fa
always clean and perfect haircut👌🏼 only positive feedback
Eseguito Mario Moloca•Taglio uomo
Iggy•7 mesi fa
Mario ist der geborene Barber. Nur wenn alles perfekt geschnitten und 100% sitzt, ist er zufrieden. Wer ein Barber sucht, der mit Herz und Seele die Kunden bedient ist hier bestens beraten. The one and only