Schnell, effizient und sehr günstig! Da ich vom Rasieren starke Ausschläge und kleine Pickel kriege ist der hollywood-Wax die perfekte Alternative. Zudem geht es viel länger bis die Haare wieder sichtbar werden.
Für mich als Studentin definitiv bezahlbar alle 4 Wochen! Der Schmerz sollte bei jedem Besuch weniger sein…🙈
Danke Tina💫
Trattamento effettuato da Tina•Ceretta inguine totale
Dinah•circa 3 anni fa
I mean..if you want to get things done QUICKLY she's probably the best i've ever seen or even heard of. It took her 11 minutes, 11.
What really sucked were the following:
- Wax was super hot
- kinda rough
- My skin broke out, I had pimples for weeks and a bunch of ingrown hair (still struggle with it)
- still had hair (patches even)
Each to their own I guess, but if you're looking for something quick and dirty and don't care about everything I mentioned above - I recommend her.
Trattamento effettuato da Tina•Ceretta inguine brasiliano
Anonimo•più di 3 anni fa
Sehr angenehm, sehr effizient! Tina ist super freundlich und hat die Arbeit top gemacht.
Trattamento effettuato da Tina•Ceretta inguine totale
Anonimo•più di 3 anni fa
Super treatment: fast, well-done, accurate and very delicate. I was really impressed!
Trattamento effettuato da Tina•Ceretta inguine totale
Serena•più di 3 anni fa
Sehr zufrieden 👌🏾
Trattamento effettuato da Tina•Ceretta inguine brasiliano