healwell - staffelstrasse Recensioni

Staffelsstrasse 13, 8045 Zürich

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68 recensioni

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Scritte dai nostri utenti, così puoi leggere un'opinione reale sul salone.
Matthew is amazing.. I've never experienced a massage like this..he got a great feeling for the human body and its needs. next appointment is booked :)
Extrem genervt rein - extrem entspannt raus! So muss es sein!
Es war einfach toll, kann ich absolut weiterempfehlen!!
Matthew amended the treatment exactly to my needs! The Ambiente was great and a lot off different elements were used. He has a wide range of knowledge!
Great experience, very welcoming team, nice ambience. Paul took his time to give me an introduction and to understand where my “pain areas” / Problem zones are and to focus on them during the treatment. Very relaxing massage, puncturing the right points for pain relief and made me leave with a good body feeling. Perfect start into the weekend!