The healwell team of therapists are highly trained, experienced and work from a place of passion. Our therapists aim to help you relax, release and recover. You will be assigned to an experienced and well trained therapist that will provide you with a massage tailored to your body's needs. Your therapist will be either Matthew Hua, Diego Martinez, Alexandra Friedrich or another healwell therapist. Together, we have more than 50 years of professional massage experience. N.B. Important: Please give us at least 3-4 hours notice when you book with us using this 'healwell therapist' profile. The calendar is sync manually adjusted on a very regular basis, however, we may need to contact to adjust the timing as our other calendars are 'live' and online, with fast changes. For true LIVE bookings we recommend you book using one of the other profiles.
Diego is an easy going, warm and charming therapist and trainer. He is health insurance recognised (by EMR/ASCA) therapist, namely for foot reflexology. He is a trained and certified physiotherapist. He is inspired by how our body works and loves to discover how it moves. He loves to be at one with nature. His style of massage is a deep, strong and poised designed to help you relax, release and recover. You will feel taller, freer more energised than ever after a treatment with him. He instructs mobility, animal flow and calisthenics. Additionally, he is trained in Thai massage, Invasive Physiotherapy (with dry needling). He speaks Spanish, English and German (B1).
Tiefe Erholung und Entspannung erwarten dich bei Healwell Massage Angels in Kreis 3 in Zürich. In dem modernen Asian Wellness Massage Studio werden umfassende, Energie spendende und wohltuende Massagen angeboten, die dem Stressabbau und dem Lösen muskulärer Verspannungen dienen. Buche jetzt ganz einfach online über Treatwell deinen Wunschtermin und lass dich von den Künsten der Healwell Massage Angels beflügeln.
In dem schönen Salon Healwell genießt man eine original asiatische Atmosphäre und hochwertige Behandlungen durch Entspannungs-Experten. Der Inhaber Matthew Hua verfügt über 20 Jahre Erfahrung im Bereich Massage-Therapie und Personal Coaching. Von der klassischen Hot Stone Massage, über eine stärkenden Deep Tissue Sports Massage bis hin zur traditionellen Chinese Massage bietet Healwell alle Möglichkeiten der Entspannung. Körper und Geist werden in angenehmer Atmosphäre bei einem revitalisierenden Erlebnis gleichermaßen behandelt. Tu dir was Gutes und komm vorbei!