Hallo zusammen
Mein Wimpernlifting ist nicht gut gelungen. Mann sieht gar nichts nur 2-3 Wimpern die sehr verbogen sind und abstehen. Nur das Färben ist gut geworden
Finde ich sehr schade
Trattamento effettuato da Erika Di Pasquale•Permanente ciglia
Maxi•24 giorni fa
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I did the WimperLifting with eyebrows and color, really the best in town. I also combined a lymphatic drainage with body wrapping taking advantage of the 50% discount. The benefits were immediate: I lost 500 grams immediately and the lymphatic system reacted very well.
Trattamento effettuato da Erika Di Pasquale•Permanente ciglia
Fiona•25 giorni fa
Trattamento effettuato da Erika Di Pasquale•Depilazione sopracciglia
Basak•26 giorni fa
Wie immer, sauber freundlich und kompetent.
Trattamento effettuato da Teresa Manco•Trattamenti viso
Dell'Aria•27 giorni fa
I loved getting my nails done by Erika! She did an amazing job, and I absolutely loved the color. Not only was she friendly and professional, but she also spoke multiple languages, making it so easy to have a great conversation. Grazie ancora e ci vediamo nel prossimo appuntamento! 💜
Trattamento effettuato da Erika Di Pasquale•Ritocco unghie