I have never had such an amazing face treatment and face massage before. My skin felt so fantastic afterwards and you could see a big different.
Will for sure come again.
Trattamento effettuato da Ganna Tokar•Massaggio viso
Benedicte•24 giorni fa
I've had many face massages with Ganna Tokar and each time, it's a truly rejuvenating experience. Her expertise and genuine care make me feel renewed and energized. Her dedication to her clients and her work is outstanding. Highly recommend FaceLove.
Trattamento effettuato da Ganna Tokar•Massaggio viso
Olga•circa un mese fa
Ich gehe schon seit Langem zu Anna zur Gesichtsmassage und Pressotherapie – ich liebe diese Behandlungen! Anna hat ein wunderbares Gefühl in den Händen, eine angenehme Atmosphäre in der Praxis, und jedes Mal ist es ein Genuss, dort zu sein
Trattamento effettuato da Ganna Tokar•Trattamenti anticellulite