Nach einem Termin bei Maria verlässt man den Salon immer mit einem perfekten Ergebnis und einem Strahlen - Sie ist die Beste!
Ritocco unghie
Pauline•quasi 5 anni fa
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Everything perfect as usual, grazie mille Nadia!
Eseguito Nadia•
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Mersiha•quasi 5 anni fa
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Eseguito Nadia•Taglio donna
Anonimo•quasi 5 anni fa
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Wegen Corona-Krise kein Coiffeur-Besuch mehr für längere Zeit. Fühlte mich nach dem Besuch nun wie ‘neu geboren’. DANKE.
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Anonimo•quasi 5 anni fa
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Nunzio is always amazing! Great skills and consultant for hair (male and female). I usually come with my son and he puts both at ease and he even did some contouring while the little one was sitting next to me on the hair-washing station! Also, great safety measures implemented during pandemic (e.g. masks, sanitizer, panels between washing spots).