Ghislaine never ceases to amaze me. Cutting and keeping short hair new and interesting takes experience, knowledge of the client and huge talent which Ghislaine has in spades. I leave the salon each visit feeling confident and happy with my new vibrant cut and colour that stays true to its cut/style until I see her next. I could recommend her more highly!
Trattamento effettuato da Ghislaine Chaki-McFadden•
Colore completo donnaMostra tutto…
Anonimo•circa 3 anni fa
Die Inneneinrichtung sollte die gleiche Atmosphäre haben wie die Menschen welche darin Arbeiten.
Eseguito Sabine Eberhard•Taglio uomo
Anonimo•circa 3 anni fa
Es war super wie immer👍
Eseguito Ghislaine Chaki-McFadden•
Colore e colpi di soleMostra tutto…
Anonimo•circa 3 anni fa
It took me six years to find the right hairdresser for me. T
his was my second time here - and I will definitely come back.
I feel welcomed and listened to.
Now with really short hair, easy going, see you in 6-8 weeks ;-)