Abigel is very professional and friendly at the same time. I always leave energized and satisfied with my hair. The atmosphere is great.
Eseguito Abigel•Mèches mezza testa donna
Timea•quasi 3 anni fa
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Ich gehe gerne zu Abigel weil Sie fachlich kompetent ist und sie eine sehr nette, aufmerksame Person ist 🙂 Sie hört gut zu und geht auf die Bedürfnisse betreffend Schnitt und Farbe ein. Es wird einem nichts Unnötiges ausfgeschwatzt. Die Musik im Laden ist toll.
Eseguito Abigel•Mèches mezza testa donna
Monika•quasi 3 anni fa
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Abigel was exactly as described in all the positive reviews - very friendly, very educated, very dedicated to make the client happy. She took the time to discuss options with me and gave me her educated opinions about realistic outcomes. I am very happy with my hair now and am already looking forward to revisit the salon again.
Eseguito Abigel•
Taglio donnaMostra tutto…
Anonimo•quasi 3 anni fa
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Sie hat meine Wünsche super getroffen! Die Farbe, Form und Styling sind top geworden!! Danke liebe Abigel! ❤️
Eseguito Abigel•Balayage
Edina•quasi 3 anni fa
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Abigel ist very professional and does a great job. She also is a lovely person. I really love how she does my hair!!