Carla has a unique way to make you feel fantastic! After her massage I feel 100% relaxed and I can feel my skin tightening right away. Her place in Zurich is a great option for the self-care we all need.
Trattamento effettuato da Carla Zingg•Linfodrenaggio
Jamile Trinkler•più di 3 anni fa
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Bei Carla ist's immer wie ein Ferientag - nach der Vorfreude kommt der totale Genuss - einfach genial die Frau!
Trattamento effettuato da Carla Zingg•
Trattamenti viso antietàMostra tutto…
Anonimo•più di 3 anni fa
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Wunderbare Begegnung.
Trattamento effettuato da Carla Zingg•Trattamenti anticellulite
Corina•più di 3 anni fa
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Very good service!
Trattamento effettuato da Carla Zingg•
Tinta ciglia e sopraccigliaMostra tutto…
Anonimo•più di 3 anni fa
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Carla’s place is a gem! The athmosphere is warm an welcoming, even the music is adjusted to customer needs.
Carla works with great detail and makes sure the overall experience tops the expectation. She is a woman who does the extra mile!