Ich liebe den Haarschnitt! Danke vielmals - wie immer einfach nur happy nach meinem Besuch bei dir ❤️
Eseguito Naomi•Taglio donna
Jenny•2 mesi fa
Perfekt! 😍 Top Beratung, super Produkte. Das Ergebnis entsprach genau meiner Vorstellung!
Eseguito Naomi•Colore completo donna
Azime•2 mesi fa
Naomi does pure magic every time! With loads of experience she always manages to do the best possible job and always makes sure to achieve the best result- only can recommend her
Eseguito Naomi•Balayage
Betül•3 mesi fa
Super happy with my hairbotox results! As always, Naomi was really professional, kind and always explained the process ☺️